Friday, January 15, 2010

Helping the Relief Efforts in Haiti: Make Sure Your $ Actually Gets There!

Because some "enterprising" souls are taking advantage of the current situation in Haiti to scam people by pretending to collect money for relief efforts, CNN has recently posted a list of reputable charities that they have vetted, and that are collecting money towards the ongoing relief efforts in Haiti.  If you donate to these charities, you can be pretty well assured that your money is going to its intended purpose.

I have seen donation boxes in SL that claim to be collecting for the relief efforts.  I have no reason to believe that they aren't what they claim to be.  Unfortunately, I also have no way to verify that the money is actually being forwarded to an appropriate charitable organization.

For this reason, I've chosen not to set up a donation box at Random-Onics, but rather a URL giver that directs people to the above CNN list.  It's not quite as convenient to use as a donation box, but it is 100% verifiable by the user, and it does assist people who don't even know where to begin looking.

If you would like to do the same thing on your own land, copies of this URL giver can be obtained for free at the Random-Onics store.  Just right-click on any of the signs and select "Buy," then purchase for zero Lindens.  It is copy/transfer.

Please also visit this U.S. State Department web page for info on how you can donate by texting from your cell phone.

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